Welcome to Sri Lanka's Most Trusted Online Matrimony Service!
- Do you still searching for your dream lifepartner?
- Still not found the perfect match?
- Is the time is ripe to search a lifepartner for your son or daughter?
Do not Waste Your Valuable Time & Money on Matchmakers or News Paper Advertisements. Come, Join Us Now...
It is Just Like Publishing an Anonymous Newspaper Advertisment in a Newspaper. But This is Amazingly More Effective & Efficient than the Old Paper Works.
We Ensure Your Data are Safe & Secured 100%
Searching Marriage Proposals Has Never Been AS Easy As This Ever Before...
By Joining Our Service, You Can Enjoy the Below Mentioned Facilities & More..
Each & every newly registered user profile will be verified using NIC & OTP sent to mobile number; to ensure the accuracy and reliabilty of our database. 100% Verified Users. No fake accounts!
Your details are displayed only to our verified users and new registrants will not be able to access your information until they get their accounts verified. We will not uncover any peice of your information for a thrid party.
We will ensure your full anonymity and you can yourself decide to whom you are uncovering which of your information selectively. Your contact details are shared only when you accept a proposal.
You can add your personal & family details, one of your recently taken photograph, horoscope details, contact details. You can set them public or privet. You can share them with specific users selectively.
You can search for your best match using your preffered age range, height range, district or province and professions of the partner. You can also use the advanced search options like, Skin complexion, caste etc.
Just select your best match from the search results and send them marriage proposals once your account is verified. You can receive marriage proposals limitlessly from other users.
Get instantly notified via push-notifications, emails and SMS to your mobile once a new proposal is received and when one of your proposal requests are accepted or rejected.
You can receive marriage proposals from our verified users once your account is verified for free of charge. You only have to buy a package when you are sending a proposal.
We are dedicated to provide you a secured & reliable service and you can always contact our customer support for all your quarries.
Searching Marriage Proposals Has Never Been AS Easy As This Ever Before
Experince our stunning graphical interface with smooth navigation.
We support English & Sinhala both.
Create your own profile in 5 minutes. Set the visibilty to public or privet of each detail depending on your preference.
Search for your best match using your preffered characteristics & send them proposal requests.
Receive proposal requests and respond them. Contact details ae revealed to eachother only once a proposal is accepted.
You Need to Fulfil Our Elegibility Criteria in Order to Get Registered For A New Account with Vivaha Sihina
- Should be Sri Lankan.
- Completed 18 years of age to date.
- Submit two clear photographs of National Identity Card (NIC), Valid Driving Liscence or Passport of the proposed individual.
- Sign in to your Gmail account - For Email verification.
- Enter the OTP received to your mobile - For Mobile verification.
It is Simple Six Steps Registration...
Go to Google Playstore & download our Vivaha Sihina App which is freely available at the store.
Register for a new account filling the application provided in our android app.
Confirm your mobile number entering the OTP (sent to you).
Sign in to your account using the same Google account you used.
Submit the photoes of your national identity card (NIC) and wait for 24 hours until your account get verified.
Receive marriage proposals for 100% FREE once verified. Sending proposal requests may require buying packages (see below).
Checkout Our Packages. Select the Best One Matching Your Requirement.
You can make the payment online using PayHere. You can pay instantly using your credit/ debit cards, Sampath vishwa and many mobile wallets in Sri Lanka.
If not, you can deposit money into our business bank account directly (Samath Bank - Akuressa) and delcare the proof of your payment by sending us a photograph of the receipt via email, Whatsapp or Viber.
Receing Marriage Proposals is 100% Free on Vivaha Sihina. You only have to pay when you are sending a proposal request to one of your prefered matches.
Silver - 10 Proposal Requests (799 LKR)
Gold - 25 Proposal Requests (1499 LKR)
Platinum - 50 Proposal Requests (2799 LKR)
Send Your Feedbacks & Questions, We are Happy to Hear From You.
Vivaha Sihina - Online Matrimony Service
Register No - 2/7/25/2017-09-25/5
Email - contact@vivahasihina.lk
Voice - 070 20 39 850
Facebook Page www.facebook.com/vivahasinhina